Este espaço virtual foi criado com o intuito de compartilhar experiências vividas em sala de aula
(nas disciplinas Língua Portuguesa, Língua Inglesa e Literatura), bem como sua utilização como mais uma ferramenta
para o ensino-aprendizagem de modo a tornar o processo educacional mais instigante e desafiador para
o aluno dessa geração tecnológica.

sexta-feira, 5 de março de 2010

The Imperative Mood - Recycle Paper

- Adriana da Silva Moreira - 0612000304
- Marcus Alexandre Carvalho de Souza - 0612000504
- Rosália Souza de Oliveira - 0612001304

How to teach the imperative mood through instructional texts.

Teaching the imperative mood although to be easy it is very simple (for the absence of verbal suffix) but it becomes a boring learning because the biggest difficulty is the learning of the vocabulary.
So this work aims to make this learning an interesting interaction among students and present the imperative in an authentic situation that is necessary to the acquisition of a new idiom in order to improve fluency.

This project has as objective the use of the foreign language in a real communicative situation to teach “the imperative mood” through instructions of how to recycle paper and how to use it in making several personalized objects.

1st step:
• Show the text model (recipe of recycled paper) ;
• Point the specific characteristics of the textual gender;
• Present the objective of this recipe (recycled paper);
• Show the utility of the recycled paper (ready objects).

2nd step:
• The teacher divides the class in groups;
• Each group picks out one of the objects;
• The groups must try to do the objects according to the models;
• The group students in groups must help themselves giving instructions to each others.

3rd step:
• They must write the instructions about how to do this object;
• The teacher checks the texts, corrects the mistakes and helps with possible changes.

4th step:
• Oral presentation of the making process of each object to all class;
• In the end the teacher asks “What was the verbal mood used to give these instructions?”


Day 1 - July 9th
The group decided what the theme of this project would be.

Day 2: July 10th
There was the first tasks division among the group of students: Rosália typed the project, Alexandre and Adriana researched and organized the data.

Day 3: July 11th
The group discussed about the didactic sequence to the work.

Day 4: July 12th
The didactic sequence was concluded.

Day 5: July 16th
In the morning the written part of the project was evaluated by the teacher. In the afternoon the group prepared: the model text, the hand out, the paper objects for the presentation and four bags. At night the tasks of presentation were divided among the students.

Day 6: July 17th
The group rehersed the presentation to control the time and completed one of the evaluation charts.

Day 7: July 18th
The group will be the third one to present this project to the class.


DOLZ, Joaquim; NOVERRAZ, Michele & SCHNEUWLY, Bernard. Seqüências didáticas para o oral e a escrita: apresentação de um procedimento. In: ROJO, Roxane & CORDEIRO, Glaís Sales (trad. e org.). Gêneros orais e escritos na escola. Cap. 4. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras, 2004.

_____ ; SCHNEUWLY, Bernard; PIETRO, Jean-Francois de & ZAHNA, Gabrielle. A Exposição Oral. In: ROJO, Roxane & CORDEIRO, Glaís Sales (trad. e org.). Gêneros orais e escritos na escola. Cap. 8. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras, 2004.

GOH, Christiane C.M. O Ensino da Conversação na Sala de Aula (tradução Rosana S.R. Cruz Gouveia). São Paulo: Special Book Services Livraria, 2008.

MELO, Rezerneide G.; MAGALHÃES, Mª de Jesus Q. & SOARES, Rosália de O.. O Feio pode ser Belo: proposta educacional que faz da reciclagem de papel mais um instrumento para a formação integral do jovem. Escola Bolívar Bordallo, Bragança, Pará, 2007.

5ª etapa/2008

TEXT: How to recycle paper

• used papers (newspaper, magazines, old notebooks …)
• bucket
• big basin
• blender
• flat sieve
• white glue
• table napkins or old towels
• newspapers
• water

1. Tear in little pieces the papers and put them in a bucket with water.
2. Put 1 cup of this wet paper and 3 cups of water in a blender. After that triturate until getting a homogeneous mixture.
3. Pour this mixture in a big basin. Add more water and 2 tablespoon of glue. Mix very well.
4. Dip the flat sieve into the basin, pull in the horizontal position and wait until flows all water.
5. Put the sieve on newspapers and cover it with a table napkin. Then press to dry the surface of the paper.
6. Remove the table napkin and turn down the sieve on dry newspaper. Then give small beats until the paper is separated of the sieve.
7. Wait until it dries and use it as any kind of paper.


- Adriana da Silva Moreira - 0612000304
- Marcus Alexandre Carvalho de Souza - 0612000504
- Rosália Souza de Oliveira - 0612001304

THEME: _____________________________________________________

This project has as objective the use of the foreign language in a real communicative situation to teach English through instructions of how to recycle paper and how to use it in making several personalized objects.

• Reading of the model text and
• Observation of its specific characteristics

• Presentation of the objective of this text (recycled paper)
• Demonstration (how to use) and
• Organization of the class to a practical work.

• Instructions of a textual production in group (how each object was made);
• Orientation of oral presentation and
• Evaluation of the learning in only one question.

• Orientation during the making of the objects and the writing activity.

DOLZ, Joaquim; NOVERRAZ, Michele & SCHNEUWLY, Bernard. Seqüências didáticas para o oral e a escrita: apresentação de um procedimento. In: ROJO, Roxane & CORDEIRO, Glaís Sales (trad. e org.). Gêneros orais e escritos na escola. Cap. 4. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras, 2004.

_____ ; SCHNEUWLY, Bernard; PIETRO, Jean-Francois de & ZAHNA, Gabrielle. A Exposição Oral. In: ROJO, Roxane & CORDEIRO, Glaís Sales (trad. e org.). Gêneros orais e escritos na escola. Cap. 8. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras, 2004.

GOH, Christiane C.M. O Ensino da Conversação na Sala de Aula (tradução Rosana S.R. Cruz Gouveia). São Paulo: Special Book Services Livraria, 2008.

MELO, Rezerneide G.; MAGALHÃES, Mª de Jesus Q. & SOARES, Rosália de O.. O Feio pode ser Belo: proposta educacional que faz da reciclagem de papel mais um instrumento para a formação integral do jovem. Escola Bolívar Bordallo, Bragança, Pará, 2007.
PRESENTATION – second part Rosália

After following all these steps, you are going to have this kind of paper (show) With it you can do several things like: this card, this bookmarker, this beautiful vase and other things that you can imagine (souvenirs, table lamps, notebooks, agendas, pictures...)
Now, I want that you organize 3 groups (organize). You are going to do 2 tasks. While you are working, we (Adriana, Alexandre and I) are going to help you if you need.
Pay attention! The first task is:

1st task: You are going to do one of these objects (a card, a bookmarker or a vase). For this, I need one student of each group to choose a bag. Into the bag there are some things that you are going to use to do your object, like pieces of recycled paper and colorful paper, glue, scissors and others. (Let’s take a bag and don’t open yet!).

Now, Alexandre is going to talk about the second task.

2nd task: ALEXANDRE

NOTE: Advice that the group that finished the task first, it gain a prize.

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